Stalled Printer Repair adalah program sederhana untuk mengatasi masalah ketika printer anda"bandel" atau macet. Masalah tersebut terjadi ketika Anda akan mencetak beberapa dokumen,kemudian dokumen pertama gagal (error) biasanya printer berhenti mencetak, antrian data tidak mau dihapus dan kadang komputer harus di restart untuk memulai mencetak lagi. Hal ini terjadi karena kurang sempurnanya data yang terkirim ke printer, sehingga proses pencetakan tidak berjalan. Parahnya lagi file berikutnya juga tak bisa dicetak.Tapi jangan kwatir dengan Stalled Printer Repair masalah tersebut dengan mudah diselesaikan.Setelah dijalankan, Stalled Printer Repair akan mendeteksi otomatis masalah yang terjadi dan klik Purge Print Jobs untuk melanjutkan pencetakan.
What is a Stalled or Stuck Print Job?
A print request sent to the printer spooler can become stuck in the spooler queue and cannot be deleted. Subsequent print or fax jobs sent to the spooler will not print until the first job is cleared from the spooler queue. Also known as printer spooler restoration.
What is the Cause of a Stalled or Stuck Print Job?
This problem is sometimes caused by corrupt or incomplete print jobs being sent by applications that cannot be deleted.
Application Features
- Detect the existence of Stalled Print Jobs.
- Purge all Stalled Print Jobs on the Printer.
- Portable Application: does not need to be installed and does not write to the registry.
- Replaces the Manual Process and even dos batch scripts, which cannot be emailed through most email service providers.
The Manual Process to Purge Stalled Print Jobs
- Make sure all print jobs are complete and that no new print jobs are being submitted.
- Double-click Services in the Printer Control Panel and stop the "Print Spooler" service.
- Delete all files located in this folder. Files in the Printers are named xxxx.spl, xxxx.shd where xxxx is a hexadecimal number. Files with .shd and .spl extensions are printer files.
- Double-click Services in the Control Panel and start the "Print Spooler" services.
- Re-print any print jobs.
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